Following the stage of selection of the irrigation system and the type of pumping station by the Customer along with the station's capacity required for the project, there comes a solution to the next problem - the choice of a filtration unit for the irrigation system.
Thanks to the filters of well-established manufacturers, the irrigation system commissioned and started up by us will serve you for a long time and with great efficiency. Long-term operation depends on two factors: the first is the human factor and the second is filtration units, provided that the system's components were configured and adjusted correctly. Frequently encountered operation issues occur because of poor-quality filters that either fail to adequately filter off the fed water or go out of commission very quickly, while the absence of filters leads to graver consequences like clogging of details by different contaminants that in turn leads to total failure of the irrigation system.
We represent in Azerbaijan the reliable European and Israeli manufacturers that approved themselves worldwide over the years. AgroSpace offers a wide range of equipment, which, in turn, allows you to choose a water treatment system that suits best and meet all relevant technical requirements. Depending on the type of water intake source, the chemical and physical composition of water, as well as possible force majeure circumstances, we offer customers the following types of the filters for irrigation systems:
- buried gravel-sand filters
- cyclone separators
- mesh filters
- disk-type filters
Buried gravel-sand filters
Buried gravel-sand filters offer one of the most ancient filtration techniques that have been used by humanity from times immemorial. The filtration principle (water passes through sand and gravel) is adopted from nature. Sand plays the role of a filler, while gravel functions as a skeleton; as a result, the output is good quality water without obvious impurities, suitable for irrigation.
To date, buried gravel-sand filters are the most reliable and affordable filtration systems for most types of irrigation systems. AgroSpace offers its customers such filters with low and high filtration rate and automated, semi-automated or manual cleaning functions.
Cyclone separators (sand traps)
Unlike mesh and buried sand-gravel filters, the cyclonic sand separators are by definition a technological solution for cleansing water of impurities. They clean water by means of centrifugal force. The cleaning process takes place as follows: when water is supplied to the casing of the unit, it is forced to flow along a spiral, in which, under the influence of centrifugal force, impurities are separated from water, and then, water and impurities are discharged through different apertures. The high rate of purification is the main advantage of cyclone separators. Concerning the efficiency and quality of purification, you should consult a specialist before the installation of these filters. In certain cases, the installation of cyclone separators may not be a feasible option.
Mesh filters
As a result of heavy rains, landslides, and floods, various large particles enter the water intake unit. They may damage the entire filtration system. To avoid this, water should pass through a pre-screener filter. In such cases, mesh or lattice filters are used. They also are called coarse mesh filters.
Mesh filters are distinguished by certain parameters. There are essentially two techniques for washing these filters: manual or automated. We offer customers both types of filters.
Disk-type filters
To date, the disk-type filters represent the most innovative technological solutions. Although being rather "young", it has established itself as an extremely reliable, energy-effective and seamless purification method. The purification method consists of directing pressurized water onto the set of special polyethylene disks. The disks are arranged so that they form traps and cavities for catching and holding foreign material.
The disk-type filters are different from mesh filters, buried sand-gravel filters, and cyclone separators in that they combine the high rate of filtration with an excellent degree of purification. An indisputable advantage is that they are not subject to corrosion, are resistant against the impact of aggressive chemicals, high pressure, and also have a self-cleaning function.
Today, the disk-type filters are used by tens of thousands of businesses in different industry sectors throughout the world. AgroSpace offers its customers modern, state-of-art filtration units of European, Israeli and other world level manufacturers. We warrant the long years of uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of the irrigation systems delivered by us.
How to select the right filters for irrigation systems?
A filtration unit is an important part of any irrigation system. It is advisable to seek assistance from specialists when selecting the filters for irrigation systems. It is also imperative to study and analyze scrupulously the following parameters before the purchase and installation of filters:
- the current level of water contamination;
- seasonal dynamics of water source contamination;
- risks (heavy rains, floodings, mudslides, and landslides);
- the required rate of filtration;
- required level of purification;
- chemical composition of water (sometimes additional filters may be necessary);
- the method of delivering water to the filtration unit.
Then, after taking the said nuances, you should find the filtration method that suits you best and would justify itself both in terms of quality and price. The recommendations we can make about the installation of filters always guided by a scientific approach and an undisputable rationale.
Pump stations
One of the key and most important components of an irrigation system is the pump station. The decision to save on the quality of the pump station will surely have a negative impact on the efficiency of the whole irrigation system, ultimately leading to significant financial losses along with reduction, and sometimes, total loss of yields. Therefore, we recommend you to prefer only reliable and proven brands.
It is important to take into account the fact that pump stations should have an uninterrupted and stable power supply. AgroSpace offers its customers electric and diesel engines that meet all requirements. Many leading vendor companies, including us, recommend using the pumps with electric engines since they are far more cost-effective. However, when existing circumstances necessitate the purchase of another engine, we also can offer the pumps with diesel engines of different capacities suitable for different tasks. In such cases, our specialists always will help you to avoid extra costs.
When selecting a pump station, it is imperative to perform hydraulic calculations. The specialists from AgroSpace, following scrupulous design calculations for irrigation systems, will recommend you the pumps with required capacities. An important aspect to take into account is the pump suction head (i.e. the difference between the water level at the place of intake and height of the pump station).
An incompetent approach that ignores the elevation difference will lead to failure due to pump cavitation and strong vibration, which causes engine overrun. This is a disaster for pump stations and if not to take relevant measures immediately - for the whole system.
We offer our customers the pump stations of such well established, global-level, reliable and proven companies as Lowara (since 1968), Pedrollo (since 1974), SCOVA (since 1965), etc.